Your World & Your Relationships

Once your foundation has been restored/rebuilt/recovered, we can play in the playground of relating. No other coaching endeavor can be maximally effective until the pattern of maladaptive perception has been interrupted. A "permanent" shift in the foundation of the way you see yourself (as what and who you are) must take place for healing to occur. The healing and transformation of your relationships is then built on that foundation. First the foundation, then the castle, lastly the kingdom- and that's when the fun begins!

  • Regenerative Lifestyle Coaching
  • Longevity Coaching
  • Conscious Parent Coaching
  • Parent to Adult-Child Coaching
  • Break Up Coaching
  • Divorce Coaching

Regenerative Lifestyle Coaching

Combining functional nutrition, clinical skincare treatments, and minimally invasive medical aesthetics the hands of time are reversed as optimal functioning is restored and regenerative processes are supported and even accelerated. The result? The Benjamin Button Effect.

Longevity Coaching

Longevity Coaching involves both functional nutrition consulting and the use of devices operating on the basis of electromagnetism for autonomic nervous system balancing. The nutrition aspect examines your current eating habits and supports you to integrate established guidelines for optimizing digestion, balancing hormones, and reducing inflammation through the SatFatRox Nutritional Protocol. Magnetic Resonance Therapy utilizing the Magnesphere and Tennant Biomodulator  address the energetic/voltage aspect of optimal wellness and regeneration.

Conscious Parent Coaching

Conscious Parenting Coaching facilitates the extending of your own increased existential awareness to your children. When you parent in the vein of freedom and empowerment you offer your children an opportunity to reach their own dimensional goals in a less chaotic efficient manner (if they've written it that way!)

Parent to Adult-Child Coaching

Are you faced with a situation where your adult child(ren) remain(s) dependent on your for their financial or social well-being? Social well-being involves the ability to make decisions about one's life that orients the perspective of the individual in a direction of value-creation for themselves and others.

When a person is socially well-adjusted they maintain a balance between serving themselves and their interests, and the awareness of the rights and freedoms of others to do the same. They come to relationships to give understanding, acceptance, and compassion, versus to take or receive physical support and/or constant emotional/psychological "propping up".

In Adult-Child Coaching, you, as the parent, are guided to accept the role you agreed to play in your child's life, whatever the capacity or quality of that interaction was, without feelings of guilt or fear that you didn't do enough or have to make up for something you didn't receive as a child from your own parents. Boundary reinforcement or establishment is approached with an air of loving detachment and you are given approaches to help your adult-child tune into their own inner power and guidance to make decisions regarding how they want their life experience to proceed.

Break Up Coaching

Breaking up is hard to do... Especially when you thought you had a genuine, authentic connection with someone. What we don't realize is that often we come together with a need-based grocery list of what we wanted from the relationship, including "good company and companionship".

As we examine what it was that attracted us to the relationship and/or the person to begin with, we may find that we came to the relationship to take versus to extend or accept. The WIFM (what's in it for me?) approach rules many a romantic/intimate relationship and once we assess that  we're not receiving our fair share or that what we're receiving isn't fulfilling us we turn on one another and attack. Enough attacks and enough perceptions of being unfairly treated and one of us is bound to flee.

You've heard the excuse "It's not you, it's me." Take those words for gospel. Very, very little of what a person does is about another person. It's about their own internal struggles and desires. Break Up Coaching builds on Relational Coaching by reminding you that another's desires are not dependent on anything but their own internal calibrations, perceptions, and ultimately, path, and it brings to light the potentially confusing idea that "It's not about you, unless it's about you."

When is it about you? When it comes down to your desires, thoughts, actions, words and feelings. When is it not about you? When it comes down to another person's desires, thoughts, actions, words and feelings. Relax, we got this. And you'll be thanking them before you know it.

Divorce Coaching

You've exhausted the avenues of "repairing" your relationship, or you have come to the conclusion that the marriage is "simply" over for you. Regardless of whether you are just pondering divorce or have already come to the decision that you no longer want to be in the marriage, Divorce Coaching offers you an opportunity to navigate the divergence of a matrimonial partnership in a graceful manner in which no one "loses".

Your soon-to-be ex does not have to be part of the coaching interaction for this process to proceed and unfold successfully. Your own shift in perspective will be enough to transform this potentially traumatic event into one peacefully steeped in respectful liberation. This especially enables harmonious co-parenting to occur if children are involved.

Please note that Divorce Coaching does not discuss any legal or financial ramifications of the dissolution of the marriage. And no matter what, don't look back in anger.