The Foundation: Relational Coaching

Until you recover the memory of your True Identity, relating to others and navigating this world can be a brutal experience rife with patterns of behavior that repeat almost as if on auto-pilot. These patterns lead to a suffering that there seems to be no end to. Relational coaching focuses on you, not your relationships.

Because our perception and interpretation of the world around us is a direct projection of the current life condition we are experiencing (as in, what's going on inside of us) if you don't know who and what you really are you will continue to project chaos, fear, and unhappiness outside of yourself and onto other people. You will then perceive these projections as separate causes for the pain you are feeling, and those people as the cause of the problems you keep encountering, all the while unaware that the source of the pain is your own perception. It is in the RECOVERY of your relationship with your unchanging/timeless self and corrected self-identification that your relationships will heal (as if by some miracle, almost instantaneously) and transform into examples of Real Love.

Redefining words like "love", "real", "magic", "miracle", "being" and "exist" is necessary to step into this alternate potential of experiencing the world in a maximally peaceful way while you attempt to make sense of the surreal. Make no mistake, the world we find "ourselves" "in" is just that- surreal.

Before you decide to work with Juliana concrete agreement on one topic must be present. An unconditional acceptance of "one source" of all that exists is a non-negotiable. That one source is energetic in nature. Energy is all that exists and energy is the source of that energy. Confused yet? It's called a paradox. Try this: where cause and effect is concerned you can imagine it as the one and only "uncaused cause". All that we know to exist is an effect of this one cause. IT (the one source) is the cause of ALL, but IT does not have a preceding cause. It is not an effect of something beyond it. It is ALL that exists, and yet all that exists is contained safely within IT. As the rudimentary basis of your journey it is paramount that you entertain this concept and accept it as fact. What you choose to call this source is inconsequential. The understanding that nothing outside or beyond it is possible may take some time to wrap your brain around. Once you do, then we can chat.