To Paris with Love

On July 14th, 2024, so much Light/Love Love/Light arrived in my favorite city in the world uniting and communing the world for a common goal: to play.

With the cauldron being lit on July 26th to commence the 2024 Olympics in Paris, my heart was aflutter and my eyes full of tears of joy as I recognized those beautiful buildings and landmarks I gazed lovingly at and the streets and bridges I’ve walked so many times the last couple of years.

I was not familiar with the theories of darkness being proposed the games be shrouded in when I remixed a reel released by @olympics until one of my elder French friends made a comment of “what a horror these games are”.

He then proceeded to supply me with several other posts with a perspective that has inspired the following piece.

I decided to edit my caption of the @olympics reel to include some gentle reminders from A Course in Miracles:

“I am at home [in the Mind of God]. Fear is the stranger here.” W-pII.160

“When a mind has only light, it knows only light. Its own radiance shines all around it, and extends out into the darkness of other minds, transforming them into majesty.” T-7.XI.5:1

“As forgiveness allows love to return to my awareness, I will see a world of peace and safety and joy.” W-pI.rl.55.3:4

“When you want only love, you will see nothing else.” T-12.VII.8:1

“When you have accepted your mission to extend peace, you will find peace, for by making it manifest you will see it.”

I consider myself a devout Christian, meaning, I study, follow and attempt to put into practice the teachings of Christ Jesus. I feel comfortable providing the disclaimer that I do not go to church and I am also not a student of the Bible (do what you will with that information.)

I wonder when we will realize that the devil is a construct of the divided mind projecting the blocking of the all-inclusive, all-accepting, all-forgiving, all-encompassing, ALL-LOVING reach of God. A projection of a limited allowing of light produces shadows, contrast, and varying degrees of “darkness”. Considering that we cannot ever be separate from God/Our Creator/ All Of The Energy That Exists… when it appears that God is absent, or that It has an opposite that is exerting some type of control, it is simply our free will blocking our awareness of the truth that IT is all that IS. I am that I am. An Extension of Source Energy created in Its image.

When will we realize that our own judgment and fear are “the devil”? When will we accept the truth that in an Infinite Creator there is only unity? When will we understand that by casting judgement we are all choosing to deny the complete unity of thought which binds all things. When will we come to believe that each of us is unity, each of us is infinity. Each of us is a beam of light, a fractal of love, extending from a center which is all-encompassing, and which resides eternally within everything It encompasses. The first distortion of Infinite Creation, is freedom. There is but one law and that is The Law of One: One Field of All The Energy That Exists.

The Law of One is God/The All. It never asks for sacrifice or to be fought for, It makes no demands, It expects nothing, and It certainly does not obligate or control. I do not fight for freedom, I side with it. I may not agree with or condone everything my five senses perceive and detect, but I appreciate the fact that freedom is at work and expression of the Infinite is a manifestation of that freedom granted to Creation by Its Loving Creator. Love is freedom. God is Love. We are extensions of God. Every single one of us. No one is exempt, no one is cast out. It is not possible that a loving Creator desires to destroy or to alienate even one of Its Infinite Creations.

As a child, I feared my earthly father immensely. I had a deep bond of attachment to his opinion and to his position and role in my life. I missed him when he would travel, and I would yearn to be back in his good grace when he was upset with me. I have to work very hard as a 47-year-old woman to not revert back to that scared little girl yearning for her father’s love and approval, to the point where I have to pause and turn inwards to the Spiritual Center of Power and Strength and Love that is within me when I am in the presence of a man who is close in age to what my father would be if he were still walking the earth today. Their opinions and views of my actions somehow still remain minutely present in my awareness yet some days have a maximal effect in dropping my vibration.

Earthly Human Fathers: you are attempting to represent our Creator in this illusory holographic surreality we’ve all agreed to believe is “real”. Be mindful of the seeds of fear and darkness you plant in the fertile, absorbent minds of your children. They will work long and hard to uproot them and allow what was always there to be all they focus their attention on. What was always there is the Love of our Creator, without judgement, criticism or control, or expectation of reciprocity. Trust me when I tell you, we all have “daddy issues”.






I have accepted my mission and I choose to see love. I choose to see light. I choose to look with peace upon my brothers, knowing that God will come rushing into my heart in gratitude for my gift to Him.

#olympics #paris2024 #paris24 #tous2024 #paris #lawofone #alwayswithyou

@olympics @paris2024 @teamusa


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